This is the home of Pretty Buttons, Pretty Masthead, Pretty PhotoRibbon and Pretty Links..
Please note that i aim to keep these extensions as lean as possible. This means:
- (almost) No CSS added.
- My extensions rely on bootstrap 4/5 being loaded by the template itself, this will make sure the design adapts to your template the best.
- These extensions were developed to work with Cassiopeia which uses Bootstrap 5.1. If your template is not using bootstrap you will need to create a layout override that works with your template.
- The only CSS that is loaded is to style the PhotoRibbon where bootstrap classes alone couldn't get the job done. For the rest we rely solely on bootstrap css classes.
- No jQuery, all vanilla JS!
- No external libraries or dependencies!
- My extensions are flexible but not idiot proof. I'm happy to assist you with any questions tho. Support is given through Github discussions and issues.
Pretty Modules

A module to display inline links with icons in a nice and easy way. Ideal for topbar contact details.

This module can display images in a scrollable ribbon on your website and open up the images in a gallery.

A module to display buttons in a nice and easy way. With ability to display content before and after the buttons.